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An Assassination in the Party | 派對里的杀人事件

One day, we were informed of a party to be held in someday in future, the attendance is compulsory for everyone.

Who was the organizer, time and venue, the purpose of the party? Those were out of everyone’s knowledge. “Sooner or later this is the just right moment for you to participate this party, don’t you ask more than that, you are spare of a single cent as it is generously sponsored by a mysterious man. Just make yourself appear at the party will do.” This was what we were told when enquiries on further details were made.

Looking at the party that was enveloped by vague and ambiguous intention, we were holding a different perspective.

You undisguisedly exhibited your expectation on this upcoming party. You were born to enjoy the festive celebration, your blood has metabolized alcohol for uncountable times, the frequent alcohol consumption has almost forced your body totally replaced red blood cell with ethane. Undoubtedly, this party was exceptionally a physical need to you, and also the one that can’t be missed.

You looked listless during the normal day, at the moment the news of the mysterious man is going to hold a party come to you, your eyes were refreshed anew, the accumulated sleepiness at past was swiped away immediately. You started to volunteering approach that mysterious man, asked to get involved in the party planning. You did not want to miss any details, even the colour of the lights and the mixture of the drinks were within your scrutinization. Perhaps you could prevent the upsurge of the sleepiness while you were indulging into something that you were interested with, or probably the specific combination of lights and drinks could supply the nutrients to the flowing alcohol inside your body.

Instead, I did not fancy revelry, even hated it. The crowded place did not fit my nature, I would feel nausea in the noisy environment. I was constantly terrified with the tiny bit of oxygen to be squeezed away within the highly circulated human flow, how would I survive with the oxygen! In short, attending this party will almost take my life away.

I waited for no second, asking for the party details when the news was surfaced. I have to mentally get prepared since this party probably could consume my life anytime. At the same time, I also made another suggestion, perhaps the expenses on this party could be utilized in other meaningful activities. At last, I even asked, what’s the consequence if I insisted to absent.

“This is an order beyond the options, you all bear the obligation of attending this party.”

He didn't have much thought on this party, basically speaking he didn’t project any idea on anything, he fully obeyed the order delivered down from top authority, and executed every single command without any alteration. When there was no direction from the superior, he will carefully observe the surrounding and put himself into the side where tendency was more dominant, this will spare himself a great effort on declaring his stand.

At last, the inevitable fate put you, me and him to converge at this party, unsurprisingly every arrangement was reflecting your preference, from the venue entrance even to the toilet decoration were not excluded from your meticulous arrangement, it won’t be an exaggeration if I could think of you by just looking at the toilet bowl. You took the opportunity to express your talent, announcing your existence, you were desperate seek for public’s attention. I thought probably that’s the reason for your favouritism at the party. He was astonished by the decorations at the party, he also adored your ability in hosting such a lively event. My face was frowning throughout the event, you forcefully engaged your preference onto my perception, it was as if putting two incoherent narratives into one single story, this has discomforted me, I only dragged myself to sit in front of the bar and stared at the wine rack behind.

You saw I was sitting alone at the bar and tried to approach me in a friendly manner, asking me: are you fine?

Me: “ I’m still fine, I just wish to get excused from here.”

You: “Well, you should clearly understand that somehow you are not entitled to decide on when to leave.”

Me: “Of course I certainly aware of that, but is it fair if you solely think for your own?”

Suddenly your face showed a sign of distortion, you took a knife from the pocket and stabbed it to my stomach, the natural instinct responsive towards the pain caused by the tearing of tissues has driven me to scream, but strangely my scream was blended with the ongoing playing music, and even the rhythm was further enhanced with the inclusion of my scream, with the improvised mixed music everyone was brought into a whole new world.

The blood keeps flowing from my stomach, in a linear way, from the edge of the bar to the entrance; people thought it was the split red wine when they looked at the blood shined by the disco ball, hey, the red carpet where you were stepping on from the entrance was stained with my blood! Idiot!

He saw me sat underneath the bar, questioned you am I okay. You said I just encountered a hangover, just let me stay there to rest. And he really trusted your lame allegation and turned around to mingle with other people.

The way your eye looked at me sent a chill to my heart, deep within my heart I kept hoping that this party dismissed as soon as possible, or somebody could turn off that music that swallowed my scream so that I could reveal your tricks on the spot.

However, the speaker still playing that music. That absurd party has been continuing for ten years, until now.



















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