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The Cloudman


The Black Crow (Part 3) | 黑鴉(下)
The Last Ritual | 最後的儀式

Know | 知

The High Point | 高處


Two Phrases | 兩句

Choices | 抉擇

Layered Memories | 千層記憶

Missed Opportunity | 錯失良機

Rhapsody of Transportation II / 交通狂想曲 II

The Shadow Catcher | 捕影人

見解 | POV

Like | 贊

Chaos no.31 | 31號亂象

Generosity | 量

I Shot Myself | 我對自己開了一槍

Cantilevered Relationship | 懸臂關係

Intercepted Message | 截訊

Understanding | 默契

Black Paradise | 黑色天堂

The imprisoned | 囚

Order | 秩序

Dance | 共舞

Disappearing man

Phrase from “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” |《世界末日與冷酷異境》

The Black Crow (Part 2) | 黑鴉(中)
The manuscript left by the priest | 祭司留下的手稿


Amid the sobriety and sleep | 在醒與眠之間

Wuthering Sheep | 咆哮的羊



Blindness | 盲茫

Double Standard | 雙重標準

Rhapsody of transportation I / 交通狂想曲I

Manipulation | 操縱


The formation of thinking | 思想的構成

Opportunity | 機會

Tsunami | 海嘯

Fancy-Unadorned | 高調-朴素

In Time | 及時

Goldfish | 金魚

Reciprocation | 相互

The Rumor Progression | 謠言進行式

Schizophrenic | 分裂

Umbrella In Rain | 雨中傘

The Cloudman


The Faceless | 無臉人

The Black Crow (Part 1) | 黑鴉(上)
The Opposite Island | 對面的島

A fragmented text induced by the inadequate usage of language and ineffective comprehension of messages | 一篇由不當用詞以及無效的訊息解讀而引發的片段文字

The Critic | 評論家

Shepherd on the shore | 海邊的牧羊人

Parasite | 寄生

Duality | 談二元

Signal | 訊號

Idol | 偶像

An Assassination in the Party | 派對里的杀人事件

Analysis | 解析

The Phenomenon of City K | K城現象

Decay | 腐

Tele-communication | 電訊

Image | 形象

Truth | 真相

Heart | 心

I see Architecture | 我看建築

The Ghost of Flower | 花魂

Crevice | 裂縫

Colourless | 無色

The Hanging Man | 懸人

Phrase from "Critique of Pure Reason" | 《纯粹理性批判》语录

The Snowman | 雪人

The light fugitive | 光的逃兵

The Magician | 魔術師

Memories | 回憶

Whisper of the rain | 雨言

Unrehearsed Drama | 未排練的演出

Rhapsody of Transportation III / 交通狂想曲 III

Diversification | 繁

Meeting | 遇見


Meet | 遇

Phrase from "Poetic of Space"

Erosion | 蝕


Human-Communication-Bridge | 人類-溝通-橋樑

Love | 愛

Misinterpreted Image | 被扭曲的形象

Vase-man | 花瓶人

Telescope | 望遠鏡

Dance | 共舞

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