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Disappearing man

Today is the 7th day you have vanished from my communication world, for the third time, and I’m still hesitant to come into a finalized draft for the last few days, I kept editing it until I ran out of words for any possible substitution and alteration.

I remember the 1st day I met you was a random arrangement, just like how I found a lighthouse among the stormy sea, the first immediate perception of you was a calm and stable one, although my intuition always deceived me and it was, in fact, a conceit, however, I decided to let intuition reign again after years I was left in the vast snow land.

Your act and behavior flow smoothly into my consciousness, perhaps due to the town you were raised in being near the river. The warmth offered by you was evidenced from your daily correspondence, you concerns about my half-faded shadow required exceptional concretization, or else my existence in this world will be trivial. The warmth I felt had reached its new extent, compared to the Snowman.

Although everyone has their own world, surprisingly we share quite a number of similarities between the two worlds, I naively believe they can be even merged into the overlapped world, at least the one and the one-half world so that we can meander across within consciousness in a shorter distance. You may ask what are the similarities? I could have numbered them out but I think I have omitted them in my previous draft.

You have committed 3 disappearances so far, the reason for the first disappearance was wholeheartedly accepted by me, there goes the third one while I’m still expecting for the second one.

I have a strange thought, what is constituted as ‘disappearance’? I have surmised my own speculation on ‘disappearance’, it shouldn’t be observed merely in the physical sense, it should be speculated in a broader sense: it is just a change of state. For example, the snow doesn’t disappear, it just melts into water, change of state.

Your disappearance has vacuumed part of my world, at first I think I could refill them back with the puzzle given by you, however, I notice that it can’t hold any longer, and has shown a sign of collapse. I was wrong about emerging the worlds and underestimated the vulnerability of my world, I should leave them intact and untouched.

I assumed you have been trapped in the vortex or maze, therefore you took quite a while to present your appearance. However, I will leave it to be contained in your own world only, unless you think of something else seriously, I would consider it prudently, maybe.

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