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Duality | 談二元

At the earlier time, I managed to finish my reading on Haruki Murakami’s “Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” with full force while I was rushing my thesis report. I was pretty impressed by one of the quotes, it says that:

“You tell me there is no fighting or hatred or desire in the Town. That is a beautiful dream, and I do want your happiness. But the absence of fighting or hatred or desire also means the opposites do not exist either. No joy, no communion, no love. Only where there are disillusionment and depression and sorrow does happiness arise; without despair or loss, there is no hope.”

Everyone is dreaming of a utopian world, where people are peacefully and happily living together, and being treated fairly.

But how would people able to justify the peace, happiness and fairness, in the absence of war, sadness and unfairness?

Indeed people are forgetting the fact that they are living in the world of duality while they are looking for the true oneness. In this world, the duality of an object will be expressed within its disparity.

For example, if you wish to prove the truth of an event, you will gather various evidence to consolidate its factuality. At the same time, you could conclude that without the support of this evidence, this event is an untruth.

Hence the concept of truth and untruth emerges, this is the world of duality.

Hold on, is the meaning of language accidentally led us to the creation of the world of duality?

Perhaps, we would approach the ideal world nearer if we are in silence.

If so, what is silence?
早前用了洪荒之力, 才得以在趕論文報告之際把村上春樹的《世界盡頭與冷酷仙境》看完. 其中有一句對白對之特別鍾愛.

“你說這鎮子上沒有爭奪沒有怨恨沒有慾望, 這固然可親可佩. 若有力氣, 我也想為之鼓掌. 可是, 沒有爭奪沒有怨恨沒有慾望, 無非等於說沒有相反的東西, 那便是快樂, 終極幸福和愛情. 正因為有絕望有幻滅有怨恨, 才有喜悅可言.”

人人對烏托邦充滿憧憬, 人人得以和平相處, 人人得到公平的待遇, 人人都快樂的活著.

可是如果沒有戰爭, 不公和悲哀. 人人怎麼知道什麼是和平, 公平以及快樂?
當人人都在追求真理的單一性, 事實上卻忽略了自己活在思想的二次元世界裡. 在人人的世界裡, 物質的二元性毫無保留的在它的對立中展現出來.

舉個例子, 當你想證明一件事情的真偽時, 這時你會利用種種證據來鞏固它的真實性. 同樣的你也可以總結說沒有這些種種證據的話, 這件事情是不真實的.

於是真與不真的概念就呼之欲出, 這就是二次元的世界啊.

慢著, 還是語言的意義讓我們無意間創造了二次元的世界?

或許我們寂靜的話, 也許會往理想中的世界更前一步吧.


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