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Order | 秩序

Recently, I have a brief discussion on "Cloud Atlas" with friends while we initiated movie talks.

The movie consists of multiple interchange scenes across six different eras, addressing several topics worth speculated by human civilization, which is closely relevant to us in reality.

Order is the one I wish further elaborate.

What we witness in the nowadays society is the outcome of reflection caused by the embodied equilibrium of order within the entity, composed of the collective beings.

The order is invisible, however, it is an imperative tool to regulate society.

The society could be perceived as a series of complex games, the controller (the authority) bases on their role and identity, drafts the rules of games that cover all conditions for the players to play the game.

Whoever fails to obey to rules will find the difficulty to adapt to the game, then sooner or later, he will be eliminated from the game.

For a period, the framework will last since its inception.

Perhaps one day, someone might found the existing rules are no longer valid and relevant. Questions and dissatisfaction on the rules will be brought to the authority, seeking reasonable rules reevaluation.

Upon the pressure from the public, the gamekeeper will continuously revise the rules or construct an enhanced framework for the gamer to continue. It can happen in peace, sometimes it materializes amongst the riot.

Whoever who does not wish to venture into the new framework, their mindset will stay in the old framework, they might need time to embrace the new normal.

The change of era will guide human to improvement,

Their notion will evolve.

At last, the order will be self-balanced followed by the evolving notion.















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