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Phrase from “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” |《世界末日與冷酷異境》

When I was younger, I tried to put that kind of sadness into words. But no matter how many words I tried, I couldn’t communicate it to anyone, and I don’t think even to my self, so I gave up trying. That’s how I closed off my words and closed off my heart. Deep sadness can’t even take the form of tears. - Haruki Murakami, “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World”
更年輕些的時候,我也曾經試圖將這種悲哀訴諸語言。然而無論怎樣搜刮詞句,都無法傳達給別人,甚至無法傳達給自己本身,於是只好放棄這樣的努力。這麼著,我封閉了自己的語言,封閉了自己的心。深重的悲哀甚至不可能採用眼淚這一形式來表現。- 村上春樹,《世界末日與冷酷異境》

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