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Shepherd on the shore | 海邊的牧羊人

Every morning, he will immediately lament: “How unfortunate not to see any grass outside my house!”, right after he steps outside his house.
​Afterwards, he walks his sheep along the shore.
Stepping out- lamentation- walk, these acts as if become their daily routine
​The fisherman realized this peculiar circumstance and ask:
​“ Don’t you realize that your sheep won’t have any grass in its mouth even you lament helplessly?”
Sheep answers: “There’s no grass to bite outside master’s house!”
​If then, can’t you move to a place where the grass is reachable to settle down?
​At this moment, they speak in one voice: “We are lazy…”
​Hence the fisherman left speechlessly, without forget muttering this in his heart:

“ I foresee the death due to starvation is approaching you…”


即怨: "家門外沒有草原, 多不幸啊!"
出門-哀怨-散步 彷彿成了他每日必做的三部曲.
漁夫見況, 忙問:
羊答: "主人家外面沒草啃啊!"
這是他們異口同聲的說: "我們懶惰…"

心裡不忘念: 我看飢荒而死將離你們不遠了…

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