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Tele-communication | 電訊

The call is connected, the one who picked it up may not be the one you are looking for.
The call is connected, the one who picked it up may not talk to you wholeheartedly.
The call is connected, the one who picked it up may not comprehend your message.
The call is connected, the one who picked it up may not entertain you seriously.
Vice versa,
I won't do so either when the call come.
Is that you on the other side of the phone call?
I can't visualize your expression. I can't sense your heart.

"Sorry, the number you dialled is not in service. Please check the number you dialled and try your call again. Thank you."

(The person I would like to confide to is unavailable)

Two actors convey a limited message with a telephone line.
電話接通了, 接電話的人未必是你找的對象.
電話接通了, 接電話的人未必對你誠心說話.
電話接通了, 接電話的人未必理解你的訊息.
電話接通了, 接電話的人未必認真去回應你.
電話接通了, 接電話的我也未必會這麼反應.



電話線 分割著兩個演員 傳達有限的訊息.

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