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Telescope | 望遠鏡

The invention of telescope able to assist us to observe the universe outside the earth.
Its appearance will be shown clearly in our eyes, through the projection of image resulted from the adjustment of the lens.
However, whatever we obtain is just a limited superficial understanding based on the observation.
What is it in actual, what does it contain?
It cannot be understood thoroughly with that third party medium.

This situation as if the communication between human beings.
We create language to approach this world more closely.
The meaning given in the language itself will aid us to perceive the world.
Hence, the civilisation established language system will smoothen our daily communication.
But, how far can this tool help to understand the actual quality of somebody we engaged?
I just decipher your message with the language; indeed, I can’t thoroughly understand its true meaning with the language.

In the end, there is a communication gap between us, just like the distance between the earth and the other planets.

通過透鏡的調節 它的容貌會在我們的肉眼裡一覽無際的清晰地顯示出來
它到底是什麼 裡面含蘊著什麼

為了達成明白的境界 我們創造語言
我們賜予語言意義 內涵意義協助我們明白這個世界
我只是通過語言解析了你表面的意義 實在的意義 我無法用語言的體係來透析你


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