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The imprisoned | 囚

The author summons the scattered masonry on the ground,
To be stacked upward following his intention.
The formation of a fortress wall is getting to be visible,
And lastly, an unbreakable fortress is clearly shown to the world.
The author looks at his creation, saying in great satisfaction,
“This is the fortress that I would like to let the public to look at.”


'Joy’ saying: it's glad to see such magnificent fortress!
'Sadness’ saying: How suffering to let the brick being suppressed in that way!
‘Angry” saying: What kind of rubbish is this! Such an eyesore!
‘Helpless’ saying: Another fortress, again.
‘Senseless’ saying: Is there anything to do with me on that freshly built castle?

‘開心’說: 看見這麼美麗的堡壘,真開心啊!
‘傷心’說: 磚瓦這樣被一直被壓著真痛苦啊!
‘憤怒’說: 這是什麼破爛石塊啊!真礙眼!
‘無奈’說: 又是一座堡壘,哎。
‘無感’說: 起了座堡壘,與我何關?

“Oh my illusory senses, it is quite unreasonable abrupting human from intuiting objects like that. I have to prison you all in the fortress.”
And then, ‘Joy’, ’Sadness’, ‘Angry’, ‘Helpless’, ‘Senseless’ follow the intention to enter the fortress.


However, the author has missed out ‘Curiosity’
‘Curiosity’ found this newly built fortress, and without hesitation he opens the gate, lingering across the spaces in between without constraint.
Sometimes he found the imprisoned senses, he will bring them out from the cell when the intention is inattentive.


How far could he bring them to?
“Nobody knows, they will return to the cell when they feel fatigued in travelling.”


Perhaps he could bring more senses in return.


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