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The Phenomenon of City K | K城現象

The Skyline

Somewhere in an office, two persons are having a private conversation
A: “Today is the opening day of new skyscraper opposite us, right?”
B: “Yes, it is.”
A: “Our block is no longer the highest building in city K!”
B remains his silence, he starts to divert his attention from the conversation on today’s newspaper headline, it states:

“New completion of a skyscraper, new height on sunglasses sales.”

Skyscrapers are everywhere in city K, and new constructions are still ongoing in every minute; the pedestrians have to suffer from the glare of the curtain wall façade, it is almost showering every inch of the street. B is one of them, he understands well their suffering.

While B returns to his consciousness, A suddenly comes out with an idea, saying with passion: I know it! We are going to build the tallest twin towers in city K, in one of our empty lands!

B sigh silently deep into his heart, urgh, another glass sculpture to join the rally.

The Body

Dear fellow skyscrapers, how do you wow the people?
That’s simple, all you need to do is just applying some fancy elements on your façade, and it would be perfect for some colourful neon light.
Oh, green design is the current prevailing trend, it must be impressive them if we adorn some greenery on it!

The Earth

Today is another new day, I drive to work, as usual, the highway traffic is worse than I expected, at this time I saw the announcement on the signboard, saying:

“Section 17 East subway is permanently closed from today onward, please use the alternative route to your destination.”

Suddenly I recalled it’s the government’s decision to shut down the Section 17 East subway to make way for the piling work of new twin towers project.

What time do I need to wake up for tomorrow?



在辦公室一處, 兩人在交談.
A: 對面的高樓今日開幕, 是嗎?
B: 是的.
A: 那麼以後我們這棟樓再也不是K市最高大樓咯!
B不發一語, 漸漸將注意力轉向桌上的報紙, 今天的新聞頭條寫著:

“K市再添摩天大樓, 墨鏡銷量再添新高”

K市的高樓大廈林立, 每天工程都在馬不停碲地在進行; 而每天在街上行走的人必須忍受摩天大樓玻璃外牆所帶來的反光, 哪怕一寸也躲避不了. B也是一份子, 他深知行人的痛楚.

待B回過神來, A頓時靈光一閃, 興奮地說: “我知道了, 我們還有一片空地. 我們就在哪裡建一棟K市最高的雙塔樓吧!”

B心裡嘆口氣, 欸, 一棟玻璃雕塑品即將加入這競技.


各位大廈, 你們是何哇眾取寵的?
這簡單, 只需在建築牆面上鋪上花俏的設計, 再配上變化多端霓虹燈, 就完美啦.
哦, 還有最近都很流行綠色設計, 在身上穿戴些綠色植物一定讓人印象深刻!


新的一天剛開始, 一如往常的駕車去上班, 大道比預想中還要塞車, 這時看見告示板上寫著:

“地下第17東大道即日永久關閉, 請轉用替代通道前往目的地.”

突然想起之前政府為了讓路給新雙塔樓的打樁工程, 宣布關閉地下第17東大道.


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