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The Snowman | 雪人

There was a day, I have no idea on which day was it, I was awakened from the dream, perhaps it was a hint given by the tremendously changing climate at the outside that it was the weather when sleeping was prohibited!

How was the world before I fall asleep looks like? I remembered, that, leaves are green, roses are red, the sky is blue; the world was colourful, every object was exhibiting their own colour individually, desperately to be the object of appreciation. The rival amongst the colour was, still feeling giddy, even just recalling it.

I pushed the window outward, found that the weather was unusually cold, the scattering depression was condensed into dew with the overwhelming chilliness, and therefore the sporadical joy was spared a room to release.

Probably that was the reason for the sudden snowing in this space, the world presented to me has transformed into endless whiteness instantly, and the ongoing bustle was wiped out. The dizziness lingered in the memory residue was abandoned, thence I only courageous enough to put my step outside the window, the endless white land like a pair of open hands, offering a settlement for a colour refugee. The ‘freedom’ allowed me to explore the boundless white land freely as if expecting me to found something else from there.

However, when I started to hesitate on where to put the next step, the sense of orientation within my body was immediately taken out, the surrounding was no longer welcoming my exploration at that moment, the sense of confusion was getting more distinct, compared with the broad whiteness of the white land. At the same time, two black spots vaguely appeared within my vision from far, they have attracted my attraction as what a black hole did.

That was the first time I met the snowman.

How do you get yourself to here? I asked.

“Dear passer-by, winter has come, for the time being, a snowman is needed to look after the world, to see is there any lost person. I didn’t expect to meet you, especially right after I just report myself over here.”

This was the first time I experienced winter.

“Dear passer-by, winter is not suitable for human like you to walk freely as you wish as it is really freezing. You have been walking around in spring, summer and autumn, so better let the ‘loneliness’ enjoy their pace in winter!"

Is the winter a particularly owned by the ‘loneliness’? I can see why I felt comfortable.

“Look at your lifeless eyes, you must have been trapped in the emptiness of this endless white land for too long, I better escort you back to your place, I reckon you have lost your way.”

Following his suggestion, I on my way to my place with accompany of the snowman. Two walking living objects on the broad white land was looking exceptionally vivid, and warm amid this silent atmosphere, the surrounding ‘loneliness’ keep asking us to get closer in agitating tone. My eyes involuntarily peeked at the snowman by my side, and unconsciously I hold his hand, this time the ‘loneliness’ were expressing their discomfort with rave.

It was comfortable to hold that slim trunk, I could feel the continuous energy flowed within.

What snowman impressed me the most was his profound eyes; I told him he could always see the deepest side of the human heart, and reveal the vulnerable hidden part from the abyss thoroughly.

“I never heard of such allegation, you must be the only one who said so.”

It made sense, like what mentioned in Newton’s third law: in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object.

“Sometimes your words are hard to comprehend, you see me, a whole body of pure snow, white, cold, melt once heated, it’s that simple.”

“Look, your touch on my arm has caused part of my body melt, we have to get quicker.”

In this cold season, every memory and time were temporarily sealed, so that the wonderful occurrences able to be preserved warmly- a tranquil snow land to be spilt with omnipresent euphoria.

We have finally reached to the door of my room, after walking for uncountable steps and miles.

The snowman threw me an unfathomable phrase upon his leaving,

“Perhaps this was not the right time for winter.”

After that you disappeared within my eyesight, the snow started to melt upon your leaving, the temporal stored memories and time were released immediately following the melting of snow, and two worlds started to collide with each other.
While the memories and time were discharged away by the warm current influx, the colour on the floor started to get sharp and visible, and the world began its chaotic order following the infinite timeline. The feeling of missing him was unmeasurable with time even though he just left not long ago, the pain aroused by that feeling keep perpetuating. I felt my growing hair has transformed into the pale hair.

I used to think people get older one year at a time. But it's not like that. It happens overnight.

The human does not need eternality if happiness is what we are seeking for; the returning of winter is the only thing I am hoping for.





也許這樣,這空間突然開始下起雪來,瞬間眼前的世界一片雪白,之前喧鬧的畫面都被抹掉。回憶裡迂迴殘留的暈眩都被拋到腦後,我這時才有勇氣往窗外踏前一步,雪白大地宛如一雙敞開的雙手,收留我這麼一個色彩的逃兵。 ‘自由’任由我在那無邊無際的雪白大地摸索,好讓我得以從中摸索出什麼端倪的。
















​這冰冷的季節,將一切在雪地一起行走的回憶時間暫時封鎖,好讓一切美好的人事物可以獲得溫存- 讓一片寧靜的雪地彌散著無處不在的歡愉氛圍。








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