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Wuthering Sheep | 咆哮的羊

Today the shepherd is too lazy to get out of the house, he just kinda feels like to stay inside, even to spend his time with daydreaming.

The sheep says, “All right, I will walk myself outside alone today!”

The sheep walk along the shore and simultaneously looks at his footprint left on the shore.

Oh, my footprint is different from my master!

I just happen to realize that I’m a sheep biologically when I’m in solitude condition.

At this moment, I managed to learn human language unconsciously, just to be able to communicate with my master.

Why can’t I notice this changes?

At the moment, the fisherman appears out of nowhere and pass by, says,

"How simple is it! You never join other sheep to the field, gradually you definitely won’t know your own kind’s living pattern!"

How could this fisherman overhear what I’m thinking?

Of course, the fisherman has left far from his vision, without receiving any response from the sheep.

Then I keep walk myself along the shore, keep scrutinizing my own footprint.

Ah, it should be my hoof prints!

All of sudden, my thinking is very confused.

Am I always thinking in sheep’s mind all the while?

Or have I suited myself in the human mind?

The messed up notion makes me want to shout it out!
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Even the sound of scream is resemblance of human’s scream!

After the cry, I feel my throat is running dry.

Hence I bend down my head to grasp a mouthful of sand,

How great is the sand taste like!


今天牧羊人懶惰出門 純粹想呆在家裡 發個白日夢也好
羊說:“好吧, 今天我就一個人在外散步吧!”
羊沿著海行走, 同時看著自己踏在沙灘上的腳印.
突然發覺獨處的時候, 才恍然大悟察覺自己原來是一隻羊;
一直以來為了跟主人溝通, 不知不覺學起了人類的語言.
漁夫此時不知何時出現, 經過.

"這簡單! 你平時沒有跟其他羊群去草原, 自然而然你不知道你的同類的生活作息!"

當然漁夫無需等待我的回應, 他早已遠離我的視野了.
於是我繼續沿海行走, 繼續仔細觀察我的腳印.
啊, 應該是我的蹄印!
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